Digital Applications for the Management of Textual Resources (2020-2023)
The DELA project submited on the 2nd of June 2019 both by the DH Lab and Omega Technology IT company has been funded with the total amount of 729.850,00 (697.830,00+32.020,00) euros by the European Regional Development Fund under the NSRF 2014-2020 funding (T2EDK-00869).
Based on the funding decision (n. 816), the implementation of the DELA project started on the 16th of June 2020.
The research focuses on the thorough analysis and publishing confrontation that constitute large textual corpora in order a) to register detailed text analysis, and b) to develop digital tools for auto-collation and auto-punctuation process.
The main objective of this project is to develop the Manuscribus editor, a digital tool for manuscript transcription and collation, including detailed annotation, and critical editing, that will drastically enhance the work of Academic Centers, Universities, Institutes and major Publishing Houses around the world.
It is also expected to automate the process of comparing all possible manuscripts of a text without numerical limitation, as well as help avoiding the selection of only a limited number of manuscripts for research. In this way, the Manuscribus editor will increase the publication of texts with cultural interest, which can be found in a large number of manuscripts, and improve critical editing.
In such a frame the DH Lab already developed the main opretational system of the Manuscribus editor, namely an Ontology of approximately 9.000 entities concerning manuscript description, which is being currently incorporated to the Manuscribus editor v.1, the first worldwide editor that supports manuscript auto collation.
The Ontology developed is the first worldwide formal Ontology for Paleography based on the MIET edited standards for BFO (Basic Formal Ontology) developers, and has been fully adapted to the ISO/IEC 21838-2:2021 standards.
Aiming at expanding the research and attracting further investments, the Laboratory presented the scientific results of the DELA project at the International Conference "Fontes sine quibus non" held in Athens in June 2023.
To see Manuscribus (an editor for ontology-based handling of handwritten text) click here.